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Start Akustik im Hof Akustikkonzert mit Orit Shimoni

Akustikkonzert mit Orit Shimoni

one of the most lyrically impactful vocalists

Samstag, 29. April 2017 ab 19 Uhr offen, Eintritt frei - Hut geht rum

Orit Shimoni, formerly also known as Little Birdie, is one of the few people of her generation to do what she does: tour full-time without a home of her own. For the past eight years, she has taken her songs, suitcase and guitar on the road, and shared them with audiences across Canada and Europe. Though she has some marks of success in the industry (her albums have all charted on Canadian College Radio and the reviews for her albums have been outstandingly positive), she remains less about the industry and more about the art, believing in the power and importance of connecting human beings through story-telling and music. She just released her seventh album, called “Soft Like Snow,” – an unmistakably honest songwriter, an engaging performer, with a voice that is classic, timeless, and moving. /


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